well craig had his year check up today.
Didnt go too well.
A1c was 10.1.. bummer...
Last time it was 7. They upped his Lantis again too.
He did grow 2 inches in 5 months (crazy right??) so he is now officially taller than I am.. sad sad day!!
We were told we should be able to order his pump within 5-10 days, so we'll see how that goes..It seems to be taing quite a long time to get it all situated..but Im ok with it I guess..
I dont really want to learn a whole new thing until after our 62 mile ride.. and Im heading out of town for a week soon, so its fine..
Tuesday we go to meet with the pump company for Madi.
Drat that A1C! We've all been there. This is really hard business! I just try to put those behind us, make the changes and go forward.