Craig and Madi are siblings who both have Type 1 diabetes. They were both diagnosed in 2012 and with in 4 months of each other. Craig (16) and Madi (7) are awesome kids and here you will see the everyday things that come with Type 1. There is no cure for type 1 diabetes. Thank you so much for reading!!
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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Heroes of Type 1

I am so excited that after a lot of time, effort and energy...

The Heroes of Type 1 Book is almost finished! It has been sent off to the printer and is in the final stages!

Release Date will be in August.

I know this will be an inspiring book fo rall!
I cannot wait for the things to come.  I know this book with help educate and advocate, inspire and share the truth behind Type 1 diabetes.
Please spread the word, order a book for yourself or as a gift. They are on  a preorder sale right now ($5 off release price)

Heroes of Type 1
A Type 1 Diabetes Portrait series
Heroes of Type 1 is a compilation of
Type 1 diabetics from ages 1 to 73.
From a small baby, baseball player, doctor, hiker, dancer,
student, teacher, hockey player and many more!
Over 100 pages of Full color images!
Prepare to be inspired!
Pre-order price - $19.95 + tax and S&H
Regular price - $24.95

Check out the new website as well wit h new blog posts and updates!