Does your child have a 504??
I have had the hardest time this year with criags 504.. or lack of.
Before school started I called the school at try to schedule a 504 meeting.
He was starting High School..and a new school so I definitely wanted to meet with the school, talk over the 504 plan and also educate his teachers.
I was told that the school doesnt meet until after school starts.
I found that weird, but ok I guess...
So school started and I had concerns because he had PE on his schedule. I wanted his teachers to know signs of trouble and what his needs were.
The school told be that his teachers had received a copy of his 504 from his old school and that they had 60 days to get with me to do his 504 meeting.
Again, I thought that was just crazy.. What if something happened..
He had a day where he came home and told me he had a bad low at school.
He said he was in the back of the class and he couldnt see. He tried to get his stuff and he checked his blood. he grabbed some tablets. all of this happening in the back of the class without anyone knowing.
That was it, I emailed the principal directly this time demanding a 504 meeting within 2 weeks.
the principal did not email me back, what she did was forward my email to the counselor I had previously been dealing with! So then HE called me and made me feel like Craig is better off without meeting. He said that if we met to discuss his 504 that the school would rule that he does not need one because he is "thriving" in school. They would take away his 504 and he would have nothing. He said since he had all A's that he doesnt need a 504. I told him he doesnt need an IEP, he needs a 504 but he insisted that the school would deny him a 504 because he was smart and hard working?? huh?!
He STILL has diabetes.. and its a daily struggle.. he has needs and highs and lows can happen anytime.. Do they not know that?
So they are actually "helping" me by not meeting about the 504. Like I was making things harder for Craig by trying to meet and get a 504 signed.
I expressed concerns about PE and that he could get low or even pass out. and the counselor told me that no teacher will give him the glucagon. They would call the nurse and wait for her to get there.. So I said but the teachers NEED to know what to do if he is prevent the possibility of a seizure..or worse! He continued to tell me that the nurse would deal with it. and that the teachers have some info.
I didnt want to cause trouble for Craig at school so I personally emailed each of his teachers with diabetes info and specifics of Craigs lows. I received emails back from the teachers and felt good that at least I had a personal connection with each teacher and they knew my son and what he needed..
Then next thing I knew it, half the year is already over. He has finals today!
I emailed the school again saying I want a 504 meeting asap. I cant believe I let them push me around. This is our first experience with this. Craigs last school and Madis school were amazing with their diabetes care and needs. I had no problems getting a 504 meeting.
I dont know why his school now doesnt want to sign a 504.. I havent asked for anything but a meeting! and they have refused. I will be taking someone from the American Diabetes Association to help me so they dont push me around. They try to act like they have my and Craigs best interest in mind but then why the heck wont you meet with us or sign a 504.. Its really weird and feels like a red flag!
I feel bad because I should have demanded a 504 and called a lawyer at first when they kept giving me the run around. Live and learn I guess......
By law you have the right to have a 504 plan and you should let them know that you will call the health and education department of your state and report the problem and you also would have no problems and calling the news to report the problem you are having with the school not being educated and informed about children with disabilities. Diabetes is a disability and is covered by law. I day this because I went thru some stuff you went thru on my twins new school and I had to threaten them until I got what I wanted. You have to fight for your kids rights because if you don't do it, nobody else will!