Craig and Madi are siblings who both have Type 1 diabetes. They were both diagnosed in 2012 and with in 4 months of each other. Craig (16) and Madi (7) are awesome kids and here you will see the everyday things that come with Type 1. There is no cure for type 1 diabetes. Thank you so much for reading!!
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Monday, September 29, 2014

November is Diabetes awareness Month!!

I am SO beyond excited to share all of the photos I have taken over the past month. 
I decided to do  Diabetes Awareness Project with my photography.  I have met 30 different people who have type 1 diabetes and photographed them.  It has been such an awesome experience. I have met some brave kids! and adults!  All with different stories and challenges. 
I will be sharing in November, but I thought I would share Madis picture. Each person gave me a quote on what they wanted people to know about Type 1 diabetes.  I will be posting one person each day in November, with their story and a quote.
It is so telling of each person when you read their quote.
 Madis quote might not seem that deep, but it reminds me that kids made fun of her and a boy said, "EW get away, I don't want to get diabetes!" and another kid told her it was disgusting that she had diabetes... She what does she want people to know about Type 1??
 "You won't get diabetes by touching me or being my friend!"
She is one tough girl, but it makes her sad when people dont want to be her friend because she has diabetes :(  

 I cannot wait to introduce you all to these brave people! Coming in November #herosoftype1project on instagram, Teri Lyne Photography on facebook, and Ill also be posting to this blog each persons quote with their picture!!

Is it November yet!????

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